Super Napier grass, also known as Pakchong or Hybrid Napier, is an interspecific hybrid of two species native to Southeast Asia. It was first developed in Thailand in the late 1960s by culturing the tissue of the pearl buckwheat tree with the African Napier grass. Let’s delve into more details about this remarkable grass:

  1. What Is Super Napier Grass?

    • Super Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum × Pennisetum glaucum) is a forage grass native to Africa and Asia. It is highly nutritious and palatable, making it an excellent choice for livestock feed.
    • This perennial grass can grow up to 3 meters (approximately 9.8 feet) in height. Its large, thick leaves are dark green, and the blades have serrated edges with slightly hairy margins.
  2. Benefits of Super Napier Grass:

    • High Yield: Super Napier grass is a high-yielding, multipurpose forage crop suitable for grazing, hay, and silage.
    • Nutrient-rich: It contains a high protein content and is highly digestible, making it an excellent feed for livestock.
    • Drought and Heat Tolerance: Super Napier grass thrives even in challenging conditions, making it suitable for various regions.
  3. Propagation and Cultivation:

    • From Seed: Super Napier grass can be grown from seed. Sow the seeds in a nursery bed or pot filled with well-drained soil. Keep the seeds moist until they germinate, then transplant the seedlings.
    • Planting: Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Space the plants 1-2 meters apart.
    • Deep Root System: Super Napier grass has a deep root system and can tolerate drought periods.
  4. Harvest and Usage:

    • Super Napier grass can yield approximately 6 feet in height within a few months.
    • It’s commonly used for animal fodder, as a biofuel, and even for construction material.
    • Farmers can harvest it multiple times, providing a substantial amount of nutritious fodder.

In summary, Super Napier grass is a versatile and valuable crop that benefits both livestock and farmers. Its rapid growth and nutritional value make it a top choice for sustainable agriculture.